Tuesday 8 January 2019


"The Climax of the Battle" As the Anglican Tank Brigade debouch from Sir Gilbert's completed pontoon
bridge, Lt. Everard concentrates his forces to meet the threat. Naval crewed Tank Destroyers
 (a reinforcement) hurry into action, only for one of them to be "brewed up" immediately. The BUF's
Heavy Artillery ("The Dominator") roars its continued defiance, as Lt Everard swings his left flank
tanks towards the west and the advancing Anglican armour.
"The Ace of Spades" A close up shot of the same incident. The Anglican armour leaves its "Death Card"
(the Ace of Spades) as one of HMG's Naval Tank Destroyers blows up spectacularly. (GRRRR...who
left those activation cards on the table!)
"Pastor Head's Assault" With the BUF armour diverted towards the centre of the battlefield, Pastor Head's
forces launch their long delayed infantry assault on the eastern flank. A decimated Wulfhere Section, BUF,
 contest the fenceline : in the nick of time, the Wormelow Wildcats (a reinforcement) arrive in support.
"The Golden Valley Womens Institute" The Anglicans advance all along the line. Here Sir Gilbert's last reserve,
the Women's Institute, charge into the fray in the centre. Behind them, in a fine example of inter allied
co-operation, Ludlow tanks debouch from Sir Gilbert's pontoon bridge. To the left, it appears that
the Anglican artillery are now firing non explosive tape measures (GRRRR!)
"Down, Rover!" The Women's Institute are met by a charge of ravenous, mouth foaming BUF attack dogs,
 and recoil. Support for the RSPCA will be first item on the agenda of their next meeting in Pontrilas. 
"The Centre cannot Hold?"  HMG extracts revenge for its lost Tank Destroyer, "brewing up" an Anglican
tank in return (left). Sir Gilbert's Steam Tank ploughs on, supported by two Ludlow tanks. On the right,
an Anglican Vickers Mk.VI embarks on a "general swan about" the battlefield, ready to threaten
the remaining HMG infantry. Lt Everard's valiant efforts can surely only delay the inevitable...

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